A Match Made In Heaven

It’s no wonder so many people equate honey to the elixir of life. Honey’s immortality is down to a harmonious blend of Hydrogen peroxide, acidity and its lack of water. Put them together and you get a sticky substance that will last a lifetime and beyond.

In ancient times, honey was a gift from the gods. Its seemingly eternal nature thought to hold the key to immortality.

In fact, when archaeologists stumbled on 3,000 year old honey pots in an Egyptian tomb, it was incredulously still edible.

Honey is still used in almost anything you can imagine; cosmetics, medicine, food, even fuel. We, however, predominantly use it as a sweetener.

Honey has become a staple for most diets; healthy, delicious, and surprisingly nutritious. As we shift into a happier and healthier society, Grumpy Goat Coffee would like to offer a little challenge.

Trade sugar for honey the next time you grab a cup of coffee! Honey is healthy, versatile, and oh, so sweet!

Wait, my coffee?!

We understand it’s not a traditionally natural pairing whereas “Honey & Tea” seem to flow and fit seamlessly. However, honey is a surprisingly tasty addition to a fresh cup of Joe!

Unconvinced? Perhaps we can tempt you…

Benefits of Honey

Listing the benefits of honey is almost an impossible endeavor. This sticky “elixir of life” is so high up on the list of Good Foods that we simply have to stick to the basics.

Honey as an alternative to sugar as a no-brainer in terms of health. White sugars are difficult for the body to break down, so they stay in the body longer than it’s healthy.

This popular sticky treat is also, to no one’s surprise, quite sweet. Your cup of coffee will only need a little bit of honey to keep it sweet.

It’s really the best of every world.

In fact, it’s pretty dang healthy. Honey contains;

  • Antibacterial properties
  • Antioxidants
  • Minerals (including calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphate, potassium, sodium chlorine and sulphur)
  • Vitamins (including vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and C)

Sounds pretty sweet to us!

Nothing’s Perfect (Not Even Honey)

Honey is by no means a perfect alternative but we still believe it’s the best. It’s true that honey does have more calories but it’s not so black and white. Honey and sugar are different on a molecular level, literally.

Honey consists mostly of glucose and fructose. Glucose is what we’re all familiar with; it’s a basic sugar that’s easy to burn. Fructose on the other hand is not as easily shed, however it can be used fairly quickly in the body.

While it may have it’s fair share of glucose and fructose, table sugar contains disaccharides, complex sugars that take longer to process and burn.

Whether honey and coffee is the right pairing for you really boils down to taste.